An Urban Ministry in Cleveland!
Our Objective
- To reach, teach, and keep INNERCITY BOYS for Christ.
Our outpost meets every Tuesday, 7:00 pm at Calvary Church located at 2536 W 14th St. in Cleveland.
We are always recruiting boys between the ages of 5-14.
We are also in need of commanders and assistant commanders. Our Phone number can be found below.
Straight Arrows
Ages 5-6
This is the 1st level for a Ranger. Agustine Delaccio is the commander for the Straight Arrows. We now have 5 Straight Arrows.
Ages 7-8
This is the 2nd level for a Ranger. David Fehn is the commander for the Buckaroos. We now have 6 Buckaroos.
Ages 9-12
This is the 3rd level for a Ranger. Felix Alicea is the commander for the Pioneers and the Trailblazers. We now have 14 Pioneers.
Ages 12-14
This is the 4th level for a Ranger. Felix Alicea is the commander for the Trailblazers. We now have 6 Trailblazers.
Our first outpost meeting was held on April 28th, 1998. After extensive preparation by the commanders.
Karl Yost - Senior Commander - Karl has been involved with the Royal Rangers for 8 years as an Outpost commander.
Karl also has NTC training.
Chris Rodriquez, Jr. - Outpost Commander Councilor - Chris was recruited as a new commander in April 1998.
Agustine Delaccio - Straight Arrows Commander - Agustine was recruited as a new commander in April 1998
.David Fehn - Buckaroos Commander - David was recruited as a new commander in April 1998.
Felix Alicea - Pioneers Commander - Felix was recruited as a new commander in April 1998.
With God's help I will do my best to serve God, my church, and my fellowman; to live by the Ranger Code; to make the Golden Rule my daily rule.
Ready for anything! Ready to work, play, serve, obey, worship, live, etc.
A Royal Ranger is:
- He is mentally, physically, and spiritually alert.CLEAN
- He is clean in body, mind, and speech.HONEST
- He does not lie, cheat, or steal.COURAGEOUS
- He is brave in spite of danger, criticism, or threats.LOYAL
- He is faithful to his church, family, outpost, and friends.COURTEOUS
- He is polite, kind, and thoughtful.OBEDIENT
- He obeys his parents, leaders, and those in authority.SPIRITUAL
- He prays, reads the Bible, and witnesses.
A man never stands quite so tall as when he stoops to help a boy...
Back to topCalvary Church
2536 W 14th St.
Cleveland, Ohio 44113
Voice mail: (216) 687-1722 ext.2
David.Fehn@bailey.comLast Revised: 10-02-98
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